Creation and Compilation of Book Index
(With Freeda Brook, Rebecca Szper, and Adam Taplin: Spring 2011).
Deliverable: Book index
Media: Word and Excel documents; Googledocs
Primary skills developed: time and project management; team coordination; communication.
Description & Significance:
As a member of the Graduate Student Assistant (GSA) Crew at the University of Washington iSchool, I headed up a project to create the index for a faculty member's monograph (Knowledge Management: An Introduction, by Kevin C. Desouza and Scott Paquette, published 2011). Under very tight time constraints, and with varying levels of experience, we came up against the challenge of approximating and indicating, in a consistent fashion, the most important subjects and access points readers might want. I have a much better appreciation now for the subtle and difficult decisions required when determining the subject of a document, and know that this experience has laid groundwork for future projects as I take a broader view of how documents are arranged or indexed in, for example, databases.
Deliverable: Book index
Media: Word and Excel documents; Googledocs
Primary skills developed: time and project management; team coordination; communication.
Description & Significance:
As a member of the Graduate Student Assistant (GSA) Crew at the University of Washington iSchool, I headed up a project to create the index for a faculty member's monograph (Knowledge Management: An Introduction, by Kevin C. Desouza and Scott Paquette, published 2011). Under very tight time constraints, and with varying levels of experience, we came up against the challenge of approximating and indicating, in a consistent fashion, the most important subjects and access points readers might want. I have a much better appreciation now for the subtle and difficult decisions required when determining the subject of a document, and know that this experience has laid groundwork for future projects as I take a broader view of how documents are arranged or indexed in, for example, databases.