- Research Data Access and Preservation 2017. (Attendee).
- Social Justice and Libraries 2016. (Attendee).
- ALA Midwinter 2013. (Attendee).
- Washington Museum Association 2012. (Volunteer).
- Infocamp 2011. (Attendee).
- Museums and the Web 2011. (Volunteer).
- Preserving Our Cultural Heritage: A Conference for Graduate Students and Beginning Professionals in Archives, Rare Books, and Special Collections at Indiana University Bloomington. (Presenter). See portfolio for details.
- Infocamp 2010. (Attendee).
- ARLIS/NA Northwest Chapter meeting 2010. (Attendee).
- iEdge 2010: "Society + Controversy." (Panelist): eReaders and the Freedom to Read: The Amazon Kindle as an Educational Device. See portfolio for details.
- ACRL WA/OR 2009: "Great Expectations: a conversation with colleagues about change, innovation, and collaboration in Academe." (Attendee, Scholarship recipient). Writeup here.
Positions Held
- Student representative and voting member of the UW iSchool's MLIS admissions committee (January-March 2011).
- Co-Chair, UW iArts (2010-2011).
- Publicity Officer, UW Chapter SAA (2010-2011).